2021 Capstone Project

A 3D action platformer/top-down shooter game. Recreate the feeling of childhood wonder through the medium of children’s toy themes and classic gameplay.

‘Rad Rabbit’ takes place in the familiar world of a child’s bedroom. You take on the role of Sonny, a stuffed rabbit brought to life to protect his best friend, Kenny. As Sonny, you must protect Kenny from the vile and villainous Ivan Snooze, the Moon Man.

Responsibilities: Project Lead, Programmer, Cinematic, Game/Level Design, Player/Level Progression, Game balance

Development Deep Dive:

  • Rad Rabbit was developed by a group of 6 containing 3 programmers and 3 artists. This project was developed in a span of 8 weeks.

  • Made in Unity

  • All assets, code and functionality are made by the developers except for character animations (integrated Mixamo animations) and some sound effects.

  • Added keyboard and controller support.


Core Player Mechanics:

  • Running

  • Sprinting

  • Jumping / Double Jump

  • Dashing

  • Ladder Climb (Top-down Shooter)

  • Shooting (Top-down Shooter)

Two main gameplay styles:

Platformer Features:

In this level, the player explores and traverses through Kenny’s bedroom in third person view going through platforming and puzzle challenges to get to the hallway.


Classic run, jump and stop


2D platforming


Falling Blocks


Moving Platforms



Top-down Shooter Features:

Switch to a top-down view. Sonny is now armored up and can shoot down anything that moves. This level is filled with distinct melee and ranged enemies.

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Melee Toy with Bat


Mid-range Flamethrower Robot


Ranged Nutcracker Soldier

Area of effect Ticking Bombs


Melee Robot with Saw

 Final Boss Level:

  • Final levels are meant to be a reward for the player. We made sure to create the level with gameplay challenges that the player have previously learned and experienced. We made sure they go through the final level between platformer and top-down shooting.

  • The player needs to defeat Ivan by finding a way to climb up on this sandcastle that Ivan is enclosed with. While playing through platforming and top-down shooting, the player is also introduced by a new way of attacking the enemy. This is by interacting with a cannon that are on multiple locations on the sandcastle targeting Ivan.

Full Game Walkthrough:


Unreal Engine: Sandbox Level (Sole Developer)